Manmade electromagnetic frequencies (EMFs) disrupt cell walls and cellular communications. They are an often overlooked source of illness due to their invisibility. They are measurable and can be remediated. Fatigue, anxiety, sleep issues, ADHD, and foggy brain can be the result of either being highly sensitive to EMFs or being in an overloaded environment. Dr. Libby Darnell is a chiropractor that got very sick and eventually well by addressing her EMF exposure issues. Simple steps you can take to address EMFs include:

  • Unplug your wifi router at night
  • Put your phone in airplane mode when not using it
  • When talking on your phone, put it on speaker and keep it at least a foot away from your body
  • Don’t wear devices that are constantly emitting like smart watches and fitness devices
  • Opt out of a smart meter for your home by calling your electricity provider and asking them for an analog meter instead. This should not cost you anything. If you can’t have an analog meter put in, consider shielding yourself from the emissions, especially if the meter is located near where you sleep. The shielding material can be found on Dr. Darnell’s website link for the Steitzer meter below. Here’s what it looks like:
  • Buy a Steitzer meter and check the outlets in your home for excess electricity, known as “dirty electricity.” A reading above 50 should be remediated by putting in a Steitzer filter at that outlet. Dr. Darnell says that most homes require about 20 filters to bring down readings to a safe level. Here’s a link: https://www.revivedliving.com/emf-products . If you can’t afford 20 filters, get 4 for your bedroom. If you can afford 20, put 2 on the power strip to your computer. This is what the Steitzer meter and filter look like:

Stetzer filter         Image result for stetzer filter image

  • Since avoiding all exposure to EMFs is impossible, I use the gemstone shungite to provide additional support. You can place a piece of shungite next to your computer at work, wear shungite jewelry and/or drink shungite water. For more information, visit  Karelian Heritage.


Shungite is very inexpensive and very powerful. One study with shungite water and rats resulted in a doubling of their life span. For more information, read Shungite: Protection, Healing and Detoxification by Regina Martino

Invisible EMFs can powerfully affect your health. Take the simple and inexpensive steps to protect yourself.