
Our lymph system is a circulation system without a pump, so it relies on movement to remove metabolic waste. I don’t enjoy gyms or harsh movements, so my exercise is mainly walking, rebounding, QiGong, and online Essentrics classes. My goal is 60 minutes of movement a day which I tend to break up into two 30-minute sessions. Walking is obvious, so here are some resources for the other three:

  • Rebounding is fun, easy, and free (after the initial investment which should last for your lifetime). There really is no wrong way to rebound. I put on my Spotify dance playlist and jump/dance for 20 minutes. I invested in a good rebounder 20 years ago and it is still in great shape. Here’s one that came up on a google search for best fitness trampolines:

  • Dragon’s Way QiGong is something I learned from reading a book called TCM: A Natural Guide to Weight Loss That LastsThere are 10 simple QiGong moves that are easy and gentle and take about 20-25 minutes to complete. If the weather allows, I do them outside in the grass or sand. They are so simple and energizing, I do them at airports, hotels, and as work breaks.

  • Essentrics is a system of full-body dynamic moves that combine muscle work with stretching. For $15/month, you can join “Essentrics TV” and have access to over 300 videos of varying lengths on your computer, tablet, and smartphone. I look forward to doing these exercises and appreciate all of the choices so that I can work on different body areas and not get bored.

Commit to moving 60 minutes a day, and break it up into smaller chunks if that makes it more enjoyable for you.