Oral health is absolutely critical to body health. The teeth are the jewels of the body. Energy meridian lines run through the teeth, and they act as circuit breakers. The field of dentistry that recognizes the holistic health importance of teeth as well as the importance of non-toxic and bio-specific dental materials is called Biological Dentistry. To locate a biological dentist near you, visit https://iabdm.org/ . Mercury is a heavy metal that is toxic to the body and present in any silver metal “amalgam” filling. I had mine removed with a very careful and slow protocol by a biological dentist. Not all naturopaths are recommending replacement of these fillings because, if it is not done properly, it can circulate mercury in the body and cause more problems.
- An oral health technique in addition to brushing, flossing, having your teeth cleaned every 6 months, and avoiding sugar, is oil pulling which can keep your gums healthy and your mouth free of bacteria. Just put a half tablespoon of sesame oil in your mouth and swish for 20 minutes, then spit out the saliva and oil mixture. Here is a brand of sesame oil that has some added ingredients to further improve oral health: https://www.banyanbotanicals.com/shop/category/tongue-and-nasal-care/daily-swish/
- I recommend toothpaste without flouride, and my favorite brand is Auromere: http://www.auromere.com/Dental_Care-Toothpaste.html
- I do not recommend root canals. If you have already had one done and have health issues that aren’t resolving, see a biological dentist and have them address the root canal. Bacteria can and does get trapped in that procedure. For more information on this, read https://www.amazon.com/Root-Canal-Cover-George-Meinig/dp/0916764095
- For more information on the critical importance of dental health, read The Mouth-Body Connection by Dr. Gerald Curatola https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/1546082549/ref=ox_sc_sfl_title_1?ie=UTF8&psc=1&smid=ATVPDKIKX0DER
I really can’t emphasize enough the importance of getting your mouth completely healthy and keeping it that way.