Water, Sun, & Earth

We are a part of nature. Water, sun and earth are intimately related to our health, and they connect us to the natural world.

  • Water

Hydrating yourself with pure water is essential. I know it is obvious, and I know you have heard it before, but just in case, I want to make sure you build this habit into your life. To calculate the recommended amount per day, divide your bodyweight in pounds by 2, and when you get that number, drink that many ounces of water. For example, I am 118 pounds, so I plan to drink 59 ounces of water per day.

If you drink pure water, your body does not have to filter out harmful chemicals. A relatively inexpensive pitcher filter that gets out a lot of contaminants is Clearly Filtered.

Image result for clearly filtered water pitcher

I bring water wherever I go in glass water bottles 

Image result for ello syndicate glass water bottle with one-touch flip lid

  • Sun

The sun is an important source of Vitamin D which is critical for overall health. If you have the correct amount of Vitamin D in your system, you may reduce your chance of cancer by 70%. For great information on Vitamin D levels to strive for as well as benefits, visit Grass Roots Health. If you are in a climate that allows, try to get 20 minutes of sun on 40% of your body per day. If not, and you are able, try to get to the sun every 6 weeks for at least 3 days. The sun has many benefits in addition to Vitamin D, like mood enhancement and providing important frequencies for eye health at dusk and dawn. Build the free, warming, and beautiful habit of getting some sun into your life. Obviously, it is important to not to get too much and burn your skin.

Image result for free images sunbathing

If you really can’t get to the sun, make sure to take Vitamin D in supplement form. I take it in the winter months and when I travel. I take a combination supplement with A and K in it as well, for proper absorbtion, from Davinci Labs . To be sure you are taking the right amount of Vitamin D, make sure to get your levels tested when you get bloodwork, with a goal of 70 to 100 ng/ml.

  • Earth

“Earthing” is a process where you walk bare-footed for at least 20 minutes a day on grass or sand in order to get extra electrons from the earth into your body which help accomplish work. This grounding practice not only feels relaxing but has also proven to reduce inflammation in the body.

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Another way that I think about the earth is in terms of soil that has minerals critical to our health. Eating food that was grown organically and biodynamically will help, as will taking a quality multivitamin/multimineral supplement. Supplements are a huge industry with varying quality levels, so, again, I recommend getting them at a health food store and experimenting until you find the right one. Your energy levels should increase, and you should get sick less often. Minerals are critical to the functioning of your electrical systems. I take the trace minerals product by Eniva https://eniva.com/trace-multi-minerals-32-oz/


We are a part of nature. Tap into water, sun, and earth to keep yourself well.